I recently received the link to the video in this post. After I watched it, I was amazed and inspired. Katharine shared her story a while ago in our community of faith and it was powerful…this video does a great job of relaying the whole picture of her weight loss journey.

There are so many complexities surrounding our appearance. From weight issues to other physical conditions…from self perception to experienced emotional realities. Even when we begin working through and walking through those areas, it sometimes takes us a while to adjust to our "new skin" so to speak. Often, we build a protective identity around ourselves that insulates us from making decisions that would benefit us greatly, but would also change our perception of who we think we are.

And when something about us has the potential to dramatically, even if it is for the better, very often we decide to forgo the changes and stay "safe."

I so appreciate Katharine's bravery and tenacity of spirit. A car accident became a portal of grace that thrust her on a new adventure that would change her life. She didn't play it safe…she jumped into the great unknown realm of possibility where God does His greatest work in our lives.

Thanks for sharing your story Katharine!


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