Shutterstock_2318122Are you ready for the next 20/20 challenge? For February the two prongs of the challenge are:

1. Spend 20 minutes of God-talk/God-time every day. This is so important. To begin seeing your spiritual, physical, and emotional life experience alignment with God, it takes a commitment to engage God’s presence. So take 10 minutes at the start of your day to align your heart with God’s…to let Him know you are available for whatever He impresses upon your heart during the day. Read the verse of the day here on my blog, and ask God to begin showing you who He really is through the Scriptures you read. Then ask Him to impress upon you the who: what: where: when and why of the second prong of the 20/20 challenge.

2. Show 20 random acts of kindness during the month! These can be anything:

*Roll your neighbors garbage cans back in for them.
*Buy the coffee for the next person in line at your favorite coffee hangout
*Give up up your place in line at the grocery store
*Run an errand for someone in need
*Take care of a friend’s children so they can have a date night
*Give away a grocery store gift card

OK, your turn, post some of your ideas for people on this blog entry and also post on here what things you are doing to get the creative juices flowing!!  Remember 20 random acts of kindness during February, that about 1 a day!!

On your mark, get set….get salty!

Illuminate Deo


  1. About a month ago, I anonymously mailed a Safeway gift card to a friend who is struggling financially. I went as far as having a co-worker address the envelope for me, so my friend wouldn’t figure it out.
    Monty, check out the website The cards cost $0.08 to $0.25 each depending on the quantity and tell the receiver that we are doing it to show the love of Christ and our church’s information is on the back.

  2. Remember our “seniors”, we will all be them someday! Ask Grandma over for the Super Bowl game and dinner; drop by to visit a senior you know who is alone; make a phone call; make a lunch date!

  3. Some of the things I do: Keep a bag of non perishable food in my car (cup of noodles, granola bars, *oranges/tangerine, trail mix) I hand them out to the men/women standing at the street corner/intersections.
    When you go to Denny’s, Pancake House or similar eating place – you can pick out a family/diners that could use God intervention.. instead of paying for their entire bill, leave an extra $20.00 or more w/ the waitress to help pay for their meal.
    I also like to carry the hats I make.. I give them away at doctor’s office, mall, airlplane ride, where ever I need to sit for a while.
    Another one of my long time favorite simple act but leave a lasting impression.. are the floral pens. Buy cheap pens (by the box) decorate it w/ a silk flower and give them to teachers, receptionist or ticketing agents.
    Another thing I did recently (similar to the Christmas in a box) I made up goodie bags (I used zip lock bags) filled each w/ box of crayons, pens/pecils, hard candies.. sent them to the Philippines and asked my mom to deliver them to local elementary students.
    Last but not least, sponsor a child! Or how about welcoming an exchange student to your home.

  4. I am a teacher, and for the past couple of weeks I have created a kindness challenge for the kids. It was a way to boost morale, as the kids (and teachers) seemed a little down and out after crazy weather, etc. I have given them a challenge each day, such as pick up garbage in the lunch room, or say hello to someone they have never spoken to before. At the end of two weeks I tally up the class points and the winning class will recieve a reward. It is all based on honesty so it is great way to encourage that throughout the week also. Thank you for the helpful words that encouraged me to get this going. It has been a huge success.

  5. My favorite personal random act of kindness is picking up garbage-in other peoples’ yards, parking lots, on the street, etc. I also like Carmen’s idea of having non-perishable food items in my car for people on the street asking for money. Also, just holding the door open for someone is simple and free. Along those same lines, let the person going into the same check-out line at the store go first. This is fun!

  6. My favorite personal random act of kindness is picking up garbage-in other peoples’ yards, parking lots, on the street, etc. I also like Carmen’s idea of having non-perishable food items in my car for people on the street asking for money. Also, just holding the door open for someone is simple and free. Along those same lines, let the person going into the same check-out line at the store go first. This is fun!

  7. In a different twist of a random act of kindness, on an plane flight today I observed the flight attendants respond in a very cool, headed, effective and professional manner as one of the passengers got very ill. In addition to positive verbal comments I obtained the names of all the flight attendants and have written a letter of commendation to the airline’s CEO.

  8. In a different twist of a random act of kindness, on an plane flight today I observed the flight attendants respond in a very cool, headed, effective and professional manner as one of the passengers got very ill. In addition to positive verbal comments I obtained the names of all the flight attendants and have written a letter of commendation to the airline’s CEO.

  9. In a different twist of a random act of kindness, on an plane flight today I observed the flight attendants respond in a very cool, headed, effective and professional manner as one of the passengers got very ill. In addition to positive verbal comments I obtained the names of all the flight attendants and have written a letter of commendation to the airline’s CEO.

  10. My idea today is to pick up every garbage can I see in the street… since it is a windy day.

  11. My idea today is to pick up every garbage can I see in the street… since it is a windy day.

  12. My idea today is to pick up every garbage can I see in the street… since it is a windy day.

  13. I have been thinking a lot about focus 20/20. I spend tons of time in God’s word and I am trying to always be quick with a smile and a compliment but I still felt like there was more I could be doing. After the service today I really felt God speak to my heart and tell me to invest deeper in people. I am starting by putting a CD of todays service, a roadmap and the card that we wrote during the sermen in an envelope and taking them and myself to my brothers house. I felt like every word you said spoke to him and I can’t wait to listen to it again with him and I pray that he will experience God through your word. This will be the trial run and as the weeks go on I am going to try to find a person that can benefit from your message (which shouldn’t be hard) and spend time with them bring God’s word to them wherever they are. You keep up the amazing, passionate sermons and I will try to get them to those who haven’t heard them. God bless you and I will continue to pray for God to speak through you.

  14. I have been thinking a lot about focus 20/20. I spend tons of time in God’s word and I am trying to always be quick with a smile and a compliment but I still felt like there was more I could be doing. After the service today I really felt God speak to my heart and tell me to invest deeper in people. I am starting by putting a CD of todays service, a roadmap and the card that we wrote during the sermen in an envelope and taking them and myself to my brothers house. I felt like every word you said spoke to him and I can’t wait to listen to it again with him and I pray that he will experience God through your word. This will be the trial run and as the weeks go on I am going to try to find a person that can benefit from your message (which shouldn’t be hard) and spend time with them bring God’s word to them wherever they are. You keep up the amazing, passionate sermons and I will try to get them to those who haven’t heard them. God bless you and I will continue to pray for God to speak through you.

  15. I have been thinking a lot about focus 20/20. I spend tons of time in God’s word and I am trying to always be quick with a smile and a compliment but I still felt like there was more I could be doing. After the service today I really felt God speak to my heart and tell me to invest deeper in people. I am starting by putting a CD of todays service, a roadmap and the card that we wrote during the sermen in an envelope and taking them and myself to my brothers house. I felt like every word you said spoke to him and I can’t wait to listen to it again with him and I pray that he will experience God through your word. This will be the trial run and as the weeks go on I am going to try to find a person that can benefit from your message (which shouldn’t be hard) and spend time with them bring God’s word to them wherever they are. You keep up the amazing, passionate sermons and I will try to get them to those who haven’t heard them. God bless you and I will continue to pray for God to speak through you.

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