Visual Trinity

I am always looking for ways that theology shows up in life, art and even random shots. Another great way of relaying information is through an info-gram, a visual/graphical flow of information. It wasn’t until today that I came across a site that took the power of an info-gram and linked it to doctrine and theology, the result is powerful.

One particularly good piece of visual theology I saw was describing the Trinity. The aspects of the Trinity are not easy right? One God, three persons, yet one essence…that is some different math. In trying to articulate what the Scriptures say about the nature of God have led to error, misrepresentations and poor illustrations over the centuries.

Tim Challies did a great job of trying to visually and verbally show and articulate the truth about the Trinity. You can find some of his other visual theology pieces at:

Here is Tim’s piece on the Trinity.
