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An Advent Blessing For My Enneagram 5 Friends

This Advent season:

May you get out of your head and into the experiences around you.

May you find security in trusting that God knows everything, so you don’t have to.

May you find the freedom of embracing mystery.

May you be surprised with joy as you spend necessary time at holiday gatherings.

May you know that you are loved for who you are and not what you know.

May you find the beauty of executive summaries.

May you feel the safety of community and bravely ask for help when you need it.

May you feel comfortable just being you and know that’s the person your friends most love.

Finally, may you inhabit the deeper knowledge that comes only when you release your need to understand everything.



An Advent Blessing For My Enneagram 4 Friends…

This Advent season:

May you know how much you matter, are seen, and are loved.

May you know that you are amazing just as you are, there is no flaw in you.

May you realize that “thing that’s missing” isn’t, all you need is within.

May you release the stories of the past that you carry within.

May your eyes be opened to see the treasures that are all around you.

May you find an abundance of time to unleash your creativity.

May you feel proud of how courageous and strong you really are.

Finally, may you be overwhelmed with feelings of worthiness and a content spirit within you.



An Advent Blessing For My Enneagram 3 Friends…

An Advent Blessing For My Enneagram 3 Friends

This Advent season:

  • May you make it a goal not to have a goal.
  • May you find the life-giving freedom that boundaries create.
  • May you know you are loved, even when the mask is off.
  • May you allow yourself to unplug from the matrix of hurriedness.
  • May you find the joy of playing a game that requires no skill.
  • May your realize your real friends love you for who you are, not for what you do or are able accomplish.

Finally, May you be freed from the need to always “be on” and find a sliver of grace in the Advent space of release.



Enneagram 2 Advent Blessing

This Advent Season:

May you know that you are loved simply for being you and not for all you do.

May you allow the people around you to love and serve you without feeling the need to reciprocate.

May you find freedom from second-guessing your motives.

May you create space to hold all the emotions that you are feeling.

May you yourself feel as special as those who you make feel so special.

May you find freedom from expectations in your giving to others.

May God surprise you with the space to do something “just for you.”

Finally, may you be freed from the need to do, to love, or be more than just yourself this Advent season.

