This Advent season:

May you find beauty and experience each moment “in” the moment.

May you find freedom from living too far ahead of your breath and body.

May you release your tendency to think more is better, and find the excitement and stress-free contentment of what is and not what isn’t.

May you listen fully to the stories of those around you without feeling the need to add to them.

May you under plan events and over deliver your presence.

May you have the courage to embrace and be grateful for all your feelings, even the hard ones.

May you see guidelines as ways to help you expand your horizon.

May you find your soul growing in patience and experiencing the gift of “un-hurriedness”

May you grow in awareness of your need for “shiny things” in order to remind you that all you need is with you right in this exact moment.

May you find the courage to go deep, feel deep, and linger long.

May you realize there is no grand adventure that you are missing, rather, the greatest journey is within you.

May you read slowly, breathe deeply, and find Christ with you in every thought.

Finally, may you know that you are enough as you are.


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